Monday, August 3, 2009

Hitting a Pot Hole

Looks like we have hit a pothole in the road...

Just when things were trucking along on my journey to cleaning up our credit and debt free living we have come across not just a small pot hole, but rather a great big, loose your front tire, slam the frame, and smush the oil pan - HOLE. It seems as if a company that we had at one time had a payday loan with (and paid off-we have the paperwork) debited our checking account and we are now negative! We filed the proper paperwork with our bank and are now playing the waiting game with them. Apparently the bank's policy on unauthorized debits is to wait for the insurance to pay. ACK! We are 6 days away from our next pay period...and it could be much longer before we recover our money. Needless to say, it has been a huge stress. My husband drives 120 miles a day round trip to work so we pooled all of our hidden cash and have scraped up $110 to live off of for the next 6 days. It was a blessing that we had meat in the freezer or we might be squirrel hunting.

So I think I am going to dedicate the rest of this week to money saving meals. Mind you, we are feeding 2 adults and 4 children.

Breakfast- oatmeal. Not the instant kind either. I made six servings of oatmeal and added a little bit of brown sugar and fresh fruit cut into cubes with a splash of milk. Tasty and filling!

Lunch- the kids ate at the sitter so I can't really list that meal, but my husband and I both ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and pretzel sticks left over from a cook out last week.

Dinner- Spaghetti (2 boxes at .85 each), homemade tomato sauce with home grown tomatoes, mushrooms, squash, and onions.

After dinner snack- Koolaid sherbert. Simply take any flavor of koolaid, 1 cup of sugar and 2-3 cups of milk. Blend and freezer for one hour. Remove from the freezer, re blend and freeze again for 2 hours. Sweet and yummy.

I know that there will always be small bumps in the road and this is just a minor set back, but none the less, we are frustrated and praying for some good news somewhere this week. Well, off to get the wench and try and pull ourselves out of the rather large crater in the road!

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